Monday, August 11, 2014

Taking time out to relax and read pious pamphlets

Since the beginning of this blog in 2007 there has been a veiled and sometimes a non-veiled annoyance at some religious pious publications.

Broadcaster Gay Byrne once wisely said, one always has the choice to turn off the dial - as it was in those days - if you don't like what you are hearing.

But reading the summer edition of a pious pamphlet it is difficult not to make a critical comment.

The opening sentence runs: "The summer months of June July and August slow down the pace of life for all of us."

Does a Dublin bus driver take it easy for June, July and August? Does a doctor, a plumber, a shop assistant, sign off for three months?

And then later in that same piece one reads: "As we plan to step back from our daily pace and spend time with our families and friends, the Blessed Virgin too beacons (sic) us to come close to her in order to unite us to the family of the Lord through the mysteries of her Divine Sons (sic) life"

Elsewhere: "Mary is the soil where once the seed of imperishable life was sown, may she make our hearts this summer a fitting place that the mystery of her Divine Son may penetrate us deeply and that his life may spring forth in us as it (sic) shown forth in her."

Not too sure what the Dublin bus driver,  a doctor, a plumber, a shop assistant would make of this, that is, if they had time off to read it.


Póló said...

I was a briefly a reader for Veritas. When I suggested (1960s) that they lay off the holy panegyrics and deal with some of the issues of the day (eg Vatican II) they dropped me like a hot cake.

Anonymous said...

If I want to read fantasy, I love a good novel myself.

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