Thursday, August 7, 2014

Russian and IDF troops looking ready for a fight

Yesterday a number of television stations showed two significant pictures. One was of Russian soldiers on manoeuvres in western Russia, approximately 600 kilometres from the Russian Ukraine border. The second was of IDF troops returning home.

In both pictures the troops were smiling and laughing. The Russian troops were jumping in and out of their tanks and the IDF soldiers waving the Israeli flag.

Both the IDF and Russian troops looked extremely macho.

Imagine if all those troops simply refused to obey orders and instead decided to stay home?

These days we are recalling/remembering the beginning of World War l.

Of course it is always good to recall the dead, indeed, pray for them.

No doubt all those dead soldiers were smiling and 'macho' when they set out to kill one another.

Imagine if all the troops of World War 1 refused to obey orders and instead decided to stay home.

What was the fate of those who ordered them to fight? How many of the lords and masters lost their lives?

Of course there is nothing with simple answers, countries need armies, but what really is there to celebrate about millions being slaughtered at the behest of the rich and powerful?

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