Saturday, August 30, 2014

Murdoch and his team appear in all organisations

"When Gordon Brown was prime minister of Britain he gave Rebekah Brooks, then chief executive of News International, the use of Chequers,  for an 'all-girls' pyjama party and sleepover to celebrate Brook's 40th birthday.

"David Cameron is said to have signed notes to Brooks, 'Love, Dave'.

"Since Margaret Thatcher, British prime ministers - Major, Blair, Brown an Cameron - have felt forced to deliver for Murdoch. They know that, since 1979, no on has been elected prime minister without Murdoch's support."

In last Saturday's Irish Times Michael Foley reviewed 'Hack Attack: How the Truth Caught Up With Rupert Murdoch' by Nick Davies.

Foley's review is a real teaser, the perfect review - sends the reader out to the bookshop to buy the book. And also tells you a lot about the book.

The sycophancy, the brazenenss of Murdoch and his 'people' is frighetning. But at least we know about it. Of course it goes on everywhere. What happens in the places where it is never discovered, where it is a taboo subject?

And the villains/perpetrators always seem so articulate arguing their case.

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