Friday, August 1, 2014

Blog blip

To daily and regular readers of this blog, apologies.

Since lunchtime on Monday the writer of this blog has been hospitalised in Berlin.

It is hoped the blog will resume within the next few days.

Can a blog really be called a blog if it does not have a daily update? So, again, sorry fot the break.


Póló said...

Hope you have a quick recovery. Just back from Berlin myself. First time there. Fascinating city.

No, there is no implication that a weblog needs an entry every day. You [b]log what is important and when you can.

Keep up the provocative writing.

Michael Commane said...

Inclined to disagree.

Michael Commane said...

Well, if I were to tell the truth, I'd say I cannot take the holy blogs any longer. They go missing for days on end and then when they do appear they are awful. Is it possible the writers of these blogs/websites believe that 'stuff'? And then their selectivity is as ham-fisted, worse, than anything ever produced in a dictatorship. The nexus between what appears on those sites and the lived experience is certainly paper thin.

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