Monday, August 4, 2014

Asking wrong question when it comes to 'vocation crisis'

When the Catholic Church talks about a vocations' crisis it is referring to the fall off in the number of men in priesthood and the decline in the numbers, especially in the western world, joining priesthood.

Has the church ever done a root and branch survey of the work ethic of its priests? Indeed, the work of a priest may well be difficult to quantify but it's fair to ask does the priest do a 38.5/40 hour week 10 months a year? Who checks the work of the priest? Who manages and guides the priest?

Are there structures in place, advising and recommending priests how to do their job?

How well do bishops/provincials manage their team? Do bishops/provincials have a genuine interest in their priests? Do bishops/provincials have good working relationships with their priests?

Maybe it is just there that there is a terrific 'vocations' crisis'

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