Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Dominican priest launches broadside against ACP

The Irish Independent carries a piece  in today's paper on Fr Brian McKevitt and his criticism of the Association of Catholic Priests.

The piece is written by freelance journalist Sarah Mac Donald.
Fr McKevitt, 68,  is reported to have said that the ACP "is a bunch of ageing disillusioned priests who seem to be always whingeing about what they see as the failings of the Church".

The article appeared yesterday on an Irish Dominican website but it seems as if it has now been removed.

At Mass in St Mary's Priory, Tallaght this morning Fr McKevitt is reported to have said that children were monsters.


Póló said...
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Fergus said...

It hasn't been removed - http://dominicanfriars.ie/news/372-fr-brian-mckevitt-on-vocations.html

Anonymous said...

LOL, you cannot make this stuff up!!!

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