Thursday, June 18, 2020

John Waters' 'Alive' article echoes Enoch Powell's views

On reading the June-July issue of the free-sheet Alive, it's clear to see that it supports Donald Trump, Mike Pence the Hungarian government, Duda, John Waters, George Pell, et al.

There is no place or room in the free-sheet for any opposing views.

And then there is a full page piece, which is a long ramble, by John Waters, who is an associate of Jemma O'Doherty.

The John Waters piece is as close as one can get to the philosophy of the late Conservative MP Enoch Powell. In his article Waters accuses Pope Francis of expressing at least two opposing views on the migration crisis. 

Information on the Irish Dominican Province is peppered through the free-sheet and at the bottom of the front page there is a disclaimer to the effect that Alive does not necessarily represent the views of the Irish Dominican Province.

Alive is associated with the Irish Dominicans. It is a far-right free-sheet that constantly attacks and criticises everything to do with the European Union and many aspects of Irish life. It sneers at those who have different opinions.

Who is the editor of AliveIt tries hard to mimic Fox News. 

Surely it is well time for the provincial of the Irish Dominicans to take a stand and expressly disassociate the province from Alive.

I, as an Irish Dominican, am ashamed of the nexus there is between the free-sheet Alive and the Irish Dominicans.

Nobody is speaking out openly, criticising Alive, while all the time a nasty far-right, anti- EU grouping gains more and more control.

The Irish Dominicans will pay the price.

The unimaginable horror of living in an Ireland approved by Alive.

1 comment:

Andreas said...

My grandmother used to say, 'never look a gift horse in the mouth'.

Well, what it would be worth doing, however, would be to investigate who the financier of the magazine Alive is and in what networks these people are involved.

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