Monday, June 15, 2020

It's important to highlight inefficiency and mismanagement

In the 1950s, '60s and into the 1970s Fianna Fáil supporters bought the now-defunct The Irish Press and Fine Gael supporters went for The Irish Independent. The Irish Press ceased publication in 1995.

Did that mean that readers read exclusively the news that supported 'their side'?

When someone praises a piece of writing are they agreeing with what is written or are they appreciating the style of the writing?

On the sidebar of this blog there are two short paragraphs attempting to say what the blog tries to do.

If readers of this blog disagree with comment, surely the best approach is to say it openly and directly on these pages.

What's wrong with being critical, what's wrong with being critical towards an organisation to which one is a member?

Are people expected to stay silent when they see crass inefficiency and mismanagement?

People are afraid to speak their minds in public far too often. Dictatorships don't tolerate diversity of opinion.

The late Dominican priest John O'Gorman often said that the biggest problem with the Catholic Church and priesthood was crass inefficiency.

Crass inefficiency and mismanagement is alive and well.

Surely it's good to highlight all forms of inefficiency and mismanagement, bullying too?

There is far too much secret criticism within organisations. It's not healthy or wise.

It goes on in the Catholic Church too, and in religious congregations.

This blog never wants to publish inaccurate or incorrect information. If a reader ever is aware of errors, please inform the blog administrator.


Andreas said...


I think that the story of "The emperor's New Clothes" answers your question quite well why many people do not express themselves critically:

"The Emperor's New Clothes" (Danish: Kejserens nye klæder) is a short tale written by Danish author Hans Christian Andersen, about two weavers who promise an emperor a new suit of clothes that they say is invisible to those who are unfit for their positions, stupid, or incompetent – while in reality, they make no clothes at all, making everyone believe the clothes are invisible to them. When the emperor parades before his subjects in his new "clothes", no one dares to say that they do not see any suit of clothes on him for fear that they will be seen as stupid. Finally a child cries out, "But he isn't wearing anything at all!"

I think the 'little fellow' is allowed to be critical alright, but as soon as you have a bigger reputation and audience you need to be careful what you say. The consequences are mostly social exclusion and negative professional implications which can result in financial problems.

Here a two examples from the recent past:

- RAPUNZEL.DE : Organic products and natural food
More shops consider stopping sales of Rapunzel products.
The background for this is the controversial statements of Rapunzel boss Joseph Wilhelm about the Corona pandemic. Among other things, he referred to face masks in texts on the website as "muzzles".

- ATTILAHILDMANN.DE : Germany's No. 1 vegan chef
Attila Hildmann, the nice, hip vegan cookbook author and restaurateur, is likely to be the next celebrity after 'Naidoo' and 'Nuhr' to be outlawed. Because: Hildmann is now also one of the "Corona conspiracy theorists". Not only is he concerned about our constitutional rights and criticizes the Corona madness, he also advised Jens Spahn, our office clerk in the post of Federal Minister of Health: "Just shut up!"

Hereby I want to say thank you Michael that you always publish my comments uncensored even if the texts are controversial to your opinion at times :-)

Andreas said...

The US Embassy in Berlin also had 'freedom of speech' as a topic when they twittered the following on 13. June 2020:

Dr. Martin Luther King said, "Our life begins to end the day we keep silent about important things." Healthy democracies require freedom of speech and freedom to assemble peacefully - values we share with Germany. As people gather after the tragic death of George Floyd to demand justice and important changes, we hear what you have to say. All comments you leave here will be read by us.

Please read which posts have been left in the comment area:

Andreas said...

Not sure if that fits to your post above...?

Germans want news that is conveyed "neutrally"
A majority of Germans would like the media to spread news "without a recognizable point of view". The concern about being misled by false information was reinforced by Corona.

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