Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Another loaded Antonov flies into Ireland

An Antonov-124 Ruslan at Dublin Airport in 1994
delivering the first of the new Loco 201 series. 
The world's largest aircraft, Russian built, six-engine Antonov AN -225 Mriya, will land at Shannon Airport this afternoon with a cargo of PPE for the HSE.

Almost to the day, on June 9, 1994, the then world's largest aircraft, an Antonov-124 arrived at Dublin Airport. It was delivering Irish Rail's new 201 series locomotive. It was delivered by plane because of its late delivery.

It was the first of 32 GM 201s to be bought by Irish Rail.

The locomotive is operated on the Dublin Cork and Dublin Belfast lines.

Close to 20 of the locos are now falling into disrepair at Inchicore.

It seems soon after buying the GM locos Irish Rail switched over to the lighter South Korean-built rail cars, which they now use on most of their services, including the Dublin Cork line.

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