Friday, June 26, 2020

An open letter to the provincial of the Irish Dominicans

Dear Gregory Carroll,
Is it possible that the Irish Dominican Province would immediately disassociate itself from the free-sheet Alive.

Last evening's RTE's Prime Time featured an item on new nationalist political parties in Ireland.

The programme screened clips of talks given by Jemma O'Doherty and John Waters. It also included short interviews with far-right supporters.

The Prime Time programme showed worrying trends of how anti-racial sentiment is garnering support in the country. It included violent and vulgar words written by far-right sympathisers.

In the current issue of the free-sheet Alive John Waters writes a page-long rambling article on his opinions and views.

In the same piece Mr Waters is highly critical of Pope Francis on the matter of immigration.

That the Irish Dominican Province advertises for vocations on the free-sheet suggests the Dominicans are calling on far-right people to join the province.

As an Irish Dominican, I find it intolerable that Dominicans should  in any way whatsoever be associated with the free-sheet Alive.

I would appreciate a reply to this open letter so that I can be made aware of your opinion on the link between the free-sheet Alive and the Irish Dominican Province.

Best wishes.
Michael Commane.


Andreas said...

Michael, did you know that:
Last year Russia submitted a resolution to the OSCE entitled "Combating xenophobia, aggressive nationalism and related intolerance". In 18 points, Russia demanded that the OSCE speak out against racism, fascism, nationalism, all forms of intolerance and discrimination, and so on and so forth

And do you know what? 25 members voted against the document, 11 supported its adoption and 13 abstained.

Anonymous said...

Alive is an embarrassment. It has dragged the Dominicans into the gutter with it and has tainted the order in Ireland irrevocably. It’s very sad that, for many people, Alive is the public face of the Irish Dominicans.

Póló said...

My understanding is that the Prior replied to an earlier complaint saying the Dominicans did not support ALIVE but that there was nothing they could do to stop the then editor operating from the Priory and using its address.

This was a totally inadequate and cowardly response. This rag reflects badly on the Order and should be amputated. Are you saying that the Order is now advertising in it? That is immoral.

I wish you success in your efforts in this regard.

May the Force be with you.

Michael Commane said...

Yes, the Irish Dominican vocations director advertises in the free-sheet 'Alive'.

Póló said...

Clearly out of desperation. But does he want ALIVE readers in the order? Very disturbing.

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