Sunday, May 17, 2020

Irish Dominican haute couture 2020

Irish Dominicans 2020.

If this event were photographed in the time of Covid-19, why not social distancing?

One way or another the picture was taken in the 21st century.

From Psalm 118 in today's Morning Prayer:
It is better to take refuge in the Lord 
than to trust in men

On this day, May 17, Irish Dominicans Norbert Murray died in Sligo in 1975, Cornelius Williams in Fribourg in 1993 and Columba Leahy in Cork in 2002.


Anonymous said...

Members of the same household/community do not have to socially distanced from each other.
I would not expect you to know that.

Anonymous said...

But why the islamic hat and the white apron like that worn by female cabin crew on aircraft? Are these now part of the Dominican habit?

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