Sunday, May 31, 2020

A reader posts an interesting comment

Below is a comment, posted yesterday, on the blogpost of Thursday, May 28.

The comment is clearly self-explanatory.  It's worth posting. It tells a tale.

It doesn't take rocket science to know that the website of the Irish Jesuits is 'far superior' to its Irish Dominican counterpart.

Billy said...

The well written obituaries which you publish on your blog for Irish Dominicans who die are, it seems to me, measured and fair.

The website of the Irish province stays silent when a member of the province dies. This is a glaring lack. Your obituaries ought to be also published on the website of the province.

This website needs a lot of work. It ought to be developed and improved. In it's present format it is unfriendly and unattractive. It gives no great sense of the work of the province. You won't like me stating that the website of the Irish Jesuits is far superior. The content is substantive and informative and mention is always made of Jesuits who die.

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