Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Bishop Crean's comments

Yesterday's Irish Times carried a report on comments made by Bishop of Cloyne William Crean.

Might it be that it has been the hierarchical church that is helping to bring about the destruction of the church and its elimination from public debate in Ireland?

It's diffiuclt to listen to these words.

And even if what Bishop Crean is saying were true, saying it as he does will be of little or no influence.

Alienating words and hurtful too.

"A Catholic bishop has accused politicians and media in Ireland of seeking the destruction of the church and its elimination from public debate.
“Ireland through its political and media establishments seems determined to eliminate the engagement of the Catholic Church in the public sphere,” said Bishop of Cloyne William Crean."
He went on to say: "There are many in these systems who have developed a gratuitous cynicism towards the Catholic Church and desire its destruction............."

If there is that 'cynicism' present might Bishop Crean ask why so is the case?

The hierarchical Irish church on the backfoot yet again.



Anonymous said...

When will bishops learn that accusing others is completely futile and counterproductive? Jesus kept quiet on the Cross. Episcopal croziers today may as well be made of foam, they have such little impact when used to belt someone. Bishops should focus on compassion and mercy. In fact recently I brought visitors on a trip to the Cathedral in Cobh, Co Cork. There were two very big banners hanging on the facade of the building proclaiming the Year of Mercy with reference to the Prodigal Son on one, and the Good Samaritan on the other. I would expect Bishop Crean to take the lead on this as he is the spiritual father of the diocese in question.

Michael Commane said...
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