Sunday, December 14, 2014

The response of a reader

The comment below was posted to this blog on Friday.

"It is amusing to read Alive's constant complaints about the lack of balance in the public media as it offers no balance itself, nor any right of reply, nor even a 'letters to the editor' spot.

Is it right to presume that all the articles come from the same one hand?

The extraordinary story this month on the "UN sterilization campaign" reveals not only the author's prejudice but also a complete lack of journalistic competence in terms of being able to undertake fundamental research let alone basic fact checking.

This publication is the journalistic equivalent of rearranging deckchairs on the Titanic. There is no acknowledging the reality of what is happening in the Irish church: it is an exercise in whistling past the graveyard.

While not a Dominican publication per se it clearly enjoys the (un)official endorsement of the Order and its Irish "leadership". How very sad. Is this the popular version of Doctrine and Life for the OPs and their supporters in the 21st century? So much for Catholic intellectual tradition ..."

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