Thursday, June 11, 2020

US commentator critical of what's happening his country

An interesting interview with Bill Moyers on CNN where he talks about truth being the oxygen of democracy.


Andreas said...

Not every black person supports George Floyd and here is why:

Michael Commane said...

Andreas I have seen the 17-minute clip.And the young woman makes an excellent point.
But whether one 'supports' the late George Floyd or not, has nothing to do with his fate.
I don't quite see the link between your comment and what Bill Moynes says in his CNN commentary.

Anonymous said...

CNN and truth...
Watch Fox News and watch CNN. At least you can compare. Not only commentary, because commentary is by definition not truth. Compare what evens are covered and what footage is presented. Then ask yourself what and why is not present in cnn...

Michael Commane said...

Dear Anonymous, Have you ever listened to Patriot Radio?

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