Saturday, December 28, 2024

The banks are among those who know we are cowards

Why do we allow corporations, organisations treat us badly? It’s so easy to look to the past and see the wrong that was done. Where were the wise and prophetic people back then? Where are they today?

I phoned the PTSB fraud telephone number yesterday. It was 26 minutes before the call was answered. And that call was my third attempt.

Before the call was finally answered the caller is subjected to a flow of meaningless words from the bank. Indeed, at one stage they talk about how modern technology is enhancing customer service.

And we accept it all, not a word from us.

PTSB are no exception. We are all victims of this nonsense day-in day-out. Why? Because most of us are cowards and the companies and organisations want to employ as few people as possible in order to make as much money as possible for their shareholders.

Are the days of capitalism and democracy nearing their sell-by date?

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