Sunday, May 26, 2024

 Today is the feast of the Trinity. One of the great feasts in the Christian churches.

It’s yet another ‘insight’ into the mystery of God. Any word we ever say about God is shrouded in mystery, every adjective we use to describe God is said in terms of analogy, every word we use is part metaphorical, part real.

Who is God, what can we say about God? So easy to walk into idolatry talking about God.

Today’s feast celebrates or reminds us that there are three persons in God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Each with their own specific road or role. It’s a feast that points us to the reality of relationship, our relationship with God, the world, our sisters and brothers.

It is impossible for us to live  relationship-less lives. We are always in a multitude of relationships. It’s what Christianity is about. Communion, community, unity reaches its perfection in God.

Might it be that we have cliched the reality of God, the realness of God out of existence. Is that what happens when we get lost in piosity? Is there something fake, dishonest in trying bring God down to the statue, the holy picture.

Today’s feast surely is about communion, relationship. And surely we all share, maybe mirror in the God of the Trinity, in the God of creation.

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