Wednesday, December 2, 2015

The stories of two priests

Vatileaks 2 monsignor  Balda (54) admits having sex with another defendant. It so happens this time the defendant is a woman.

The woman, 33-year-old Vatican consultant Francesca Chaouqui had been introduced to Monsignor Lucio Angel Vallejo Balda by 73-year-old French cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran.

Subsequently Ms Chaouqui was appointed by Pope Francis to Cosea, a short-term Vatican economic reform commission, mainly on the recommendation of Monsignor Balda, who had already been appointed.

Balda claims that Chaouqui seduced him in Florence. She in turn says; "From what I know of Balda, the last thing he wants to do is to go to bed with me..... If I wanted to betray my husband, I wouldn't do it with an old priest who does not like women."

A priest who says he was seduced and a woman who says the priest does not like women.

What sort of a man would publicly say he was 'seduced' by a woman?


Meanwhile in France the Cardinal Archbishop of Lyons sacked Fr Herve Benoir.

Benoir wrote an editorial about the people who attended the Bataclan as being in ecstatic trance.

"They are the living dead. Their murderers, these hash-smoking zombies, are their Siamese twins. The same unrootedness, amnesia, childishness, absence of culture."

1 comment:

Andreas said...

The zombie drug is called Captagon, the drug of choice by the members of the terrorist group Islamic State (IS)

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