Wednesday, December 16, 2015

The right-wing's belief in knowing what's best

What is it about the right-wing that they think all right is on their side?

Listen to any US right-wing station and one is led to believe that they know best on all matters. And all said in stunning arrogance.

Observe right-wing ministers of religion and one gets a feeling that they are in direct contact with God. And again, the arrogance is breath-taking. If it weren't so sad it would be wonderfully funny.

Is it a US phenomenon that has spread to Ireland? 

Religion, arrogance, right-wing 'know-allery' is a lethal cocktail.

And tragic to see how it is in the ascendancy in the Catholic Church, in spite of all of what Pope Francis is saying. It seems to be like some unstoppable force. 

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