Saturday, December 5, 2015

F-16s, Su-24s and the cries of John the Baptist

The 'Thinking Anew' column in today's Irish Times.
Michael Commane

On Monday, November 23 I visited someone in a Dublin hospital. I was struck with the number of seriously ill people I saw. Young people too, looking as if their lives were going to be cut down far too early.

What can one ever say to people in such pain and suffering? It's difficult.

Within 90 minutes of leaving the hospital I was standing in torrential rain at a bus stop in the city centre. I spotted a middle-aged woman carrying two black sacks from an office. It looked as it they were rubbish sacks but certainly they seemed far too heavy for her. No doubt she is on a meagre wage.

The following day a Turkish F-16 war plane shot down a Russian Su-24. Turkish authorities alleged that the Russian plane had violated Turkey's air space.

A Russian pilot was killed. The Su-24 was probably coming from or going to a bombing sortie in Syrian skies.

The downing of a Russian plane by a Nato ally and the alleged violation by a Russian plane on Nato territory could easily spark a serious international crisis. But away from the great world scene, what about the downed pilot and his family?

What about the innocent people who had most likely died as a result of the bombs unleashed by the Su-24? And all the lives that are lost and ruined every day and night in Syria.

We have all been shocked and repulsed by what happened in Paris on Friday, November 13. But probably more worrying is what happens next. Where next will ISIS attack?

It goes on an on and has been for generation after generation. It seems violence is part of our human condition. A century ago people were talking about the war to end all wars. It never happened.

Tomorrow is the second Sunday of Advent. Christians are preparing for the incarnation - the coming into the world of the Prince of Peace.In tomorrow's first reading we are reminded that we will be blessed by God forever  - "Peace through integrity, and honour through devotedness."  (Baruch 5: 4)

In the  Responsorial Psalm the response goes - "The Lord has done great things for us; we are filled with joy." (Psalm 126)

What's the joy in young people dying? What's the joy in looking at burning contrails across the skies of Turkey and Syria? What's the joy in working people struggling to earn a meagre wage?

In the Gospel, Luke quotes the prophet Isaiah to describe John the Baptist."A voice of one crying out in the desert: 'Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths.....  The winding roads shall be made straight, and the rough ways made smooth, and all flesh shall see the salvation of God.' " (Lk 3: 4 - 5)

The role of John the Baptist is often quoted. And it is true that he evokes the image of someone who has something to say but no one is  listening to him.

We use him as a role model when it suits us.

But right now do we really want prophets who will shout stop about poverty, slavery, maiming and killing, and institutional violence?

How is it that statesmen, and they are predominantly men, gain great political and popular clout when they stand beside their warplanes?

I keep thinking of that woman who was carrying those sacks, dressed poorly and probably paid a pittance.

John the Baptist crying in the wilderness?

What at all would he have to say to the manufacturers of that F-16 and Su-24? What would he have to say to the woman with those heavy black sacks?

The knowledge that God is in our world should bring joy to us. And also, spur us on to change things.

1 comment:

Andreas said...

Did you know that:

- The Turkish Jets Violated Greek Airspace Over 2,000 Times Last Year

- Leaked Ankara UN letter claims Su-24's ‘air space violation’ lasted 17 seconds. Traffic control needs to talk very fast to issue 10 warnings so!

- Army specialist think that AWACS planes from NATO helped to triangulate this attack

- There is no UN mandate for the intervention of the western coalition in Syria and so they have to pretend to help Russia but they are NOT!! Russia is there with the consent of Assad, president of a sovereign country.

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