Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Hammond versus Murpurgo

The Channel 4 news this evening concentrated on the House of Commons debate and vote on UK involvement in Syria.

Jon Snow interviewed a number of people including the British Froeign Secretary, Phiip Hammond and the author Michael Murpurgo.

It was stomach churning to watch Hammond. At one stage he even seemd to smirk, then suddenly realising that sort of look would not do on television he changed his tactic. Immaculately groomed. The manager class that sends people to their death and maims them.

On the other hand Michael Murpurgo argued that it makes no sense to bomb Syria and he expressed his concern that the war in Syria could have dangerous world-wide consequences.

To compare the performance of both men on television was revealing, a stunning exercise.

Hammond came across as dangerous and nasty. But of course terribly sophisticated and even learned. Murpurgo, on the other hand seemed a man of sympathy and concern. An ordinary kind man.

Hammond's wealth is estimated to be between £7.5 and £9 million.

It is a shocking scenario.

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