Tuesday, October 20, 2015

A shocking night in Dresden

At the Pegida rally in Dresden last night Akif Pirnçci addressed the crowd.

Below is the Wikipedia report on what he had to say. This report is substantiated by Spiegel Online.

He was born in Turkey, moved to Germany with his family in 1969 when he was 10.

He lamented that the concentration camps were closed ("KZs sind ja leider derzeit außer Betrieb")[2][3] and accused German politicians of being "Gauleiteragainst their own people", called Germany a "shit state" ("Scheißstaat") and female asylum seekers "fugitive whores" ("flüchtende Schlampen"). 

Further, according to Pirinçci, Muslims want to "pump infidels full of their Muslim juice" ("Ungläubige mit ihrem Moslemsaft vollpumpen") and Germany awaits a "Muslim garbage dump" ("Moslemmüllhalde"). He called the German Green Party a "Party of child fuckers" ("Kinderfickerpartei"), and the spokesperson for the mosque in Erfurt a "Muslim freak with a Taliban beard" ("Moslemfritzen mit Talibanbart"), who had as much to do with German culture as "my asshole with the production of perfume" ("wie mein Arschloch mit Parfümherstellung").[4] 

Volker Beck, member of parliament for the German Green Party, filed charges against Pirinçci for public incitement to criminal acts and incitement to hatred. A spokesperson for the federal prosecutor's office confirmed that an investigation is ongoing.


Michael said...

Michael, thanks for this and the translation. It is vital we understand the vileness of Peguda's discourse.

Andreas said...

Michael, you should write in which context he has mentioned the KZ otherwise it gives the reader a bad conclusion.
Also, it is worth to mention that the organizers took the microphone of him because the crowd got sick of him (nevertheless the damage was done)!

PEGIDA exist since 2014 and had had many different speakers on stage - i heard just a few and they were absolutely fine. I would say they usually represent the fears and worries of an average person in relation to the political theater. For instance: The costs per annum are estimated with 45 billion Euro - who pays the bill, etc.

Anyway, not sure why they invited that pleb to hold a speech in front of 30.000 people? He was on ZDF before and they had to cut the interview heavily before they put it onto their internet platform - he is well known!



Michael Commane said...

Andreas, Akif Pirncci is well-known for his views. Instead of taking the microphone from him, surely they should never have given it to him.

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