Wednesday, October 22, 2014

The Catholic Church's public stand on homosexuality

The piece below is from the NCR.
If every gay priest, bishop, cardinal admitted publicly his sexual orientation how many priests, bishops and cardinals would actually be left standing?
"US bishops, their lawyers and personnel directors have some hard choices to make in the next few weeks. What will they do with Catholic employees who enter valid legal marriages with partners of the same sex? To date, their track record on this issue has been bleak.
"At least 17 U.S. church employees have been fired, resigned, refused to renew restrictive contracts, or had job offers rescinded over LGBT-related employment disputes this year. Catholic school teachers and parish music ministers have been fired because their same-sex marriages became public. In many cases, these were employees of long standing who were well-respected by their school and parish communities. Often, the communities already knew the employees' partners. There was no problem until they entered legal, civil marriages."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think the choice that people in that situation must make is obvious, simple and, hard. If a person, male or female, loves another person of the same gender so much that they want to be with them to the exclusion of all others, then they can no longer be members of the catholic church. Why would they want to be? The church does, in my view, have the right to hold its teaching on same sex relationships, and people in those relationships have the right not to belong to an institution that disregards the so.

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