Monday, May 13, 2013

Radio performance of Chairman of Revenue Commissioners far too glib

On Morning Ireland today Chairman of the Revenue Commissioners Josephine Feehily gave a very poor performance when talking about the credit card scam that has been discovered concerning the payment of the new property tax.

Right through the interview she kept using words that sounded ambiguous. On many occasions she said, "I suppose .... "

And then she assured listeners that her staff would be talking to the credit card company in the next few days. In the 'next few days', why not today?

Ms Feehily assured listeners that their payments are safe. For those who had concerns, she gave a telephone number, which they could call. It is a 1890 number, which the cutomer has to pay to use.

The arrogance of Ms Feehily this morning was breathtaking.

That's the second time in recent weeks that Ms Feehily has not impressed when talking about the property tax.

On the previous occasion she spoke of how simple the online facility was for paying the tax. Nothing could be further from the reality. One of the numbers issued on the form was incorrect and tax payers were later informerd to delete one digit.

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