Friday, May 10, 2013

Obama to visit the 'Wall-less' city

US President Barack Obama will make his first visit to Berlin after attending the G8 conference in Fermanagh next month.

The visit will recall JFK's famous visit to the city 50 years ago where he said at the Berlin Wall 'ich bin ein Berliner'.

Today in Berlin at the Humboldt University Germany recalled the 80th anniversary of the burning of books in every town and city in Germany, including Bebel Platz in Berlin on May 10, 1933.

It was pointed out at the service that students and university professors played a significant role in the burning of books by such authors as Brecht and the Mann brothers.

Also today Angela Merkel and the German Defence Minister visited German troops serving in Afghanistan.

They were shown on German television praying side by side with army chaplains and troops in Kundus. Last week a German special services soldier was killed in Afghanistan.

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