Saturday, May 18, 2013

'Francis Effect' is going to take some time

Robert Mickens in his Letter from Rome in this week's Tablet argues that it will be some time before the 'Francis Effect' permeates the many facets of church life.

To support his thesis he cites a recent Mass celebrated by the newly appointed nuncio to Colombia, 46-year-old Ettore Balestero in the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore.

"One might have thought he was a cardinal coming to take possession of his titular church since the basilica's rector greeted him at the door and presented him with a crucifix to kiss. Archbishop Balestero wore the classic Tridentine fiddleback chasuble and celebrated Mass in Latin.

"Three cardinals - Mauro Piacenza, Bernard Law and Willem Eijk were in attendance and among the concelebrants was the papal nuncio to Ireland, Archbishop Charles Brown."

1 comment:

Michael said...

Burke's influence will linger a while yet, alas.

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