Thursday, May 23, 2013

Archbishop of Cologne tells women stay home and have babies

Cardinal Joachim Meisner
According to today's Irish Independent Cologne's Cardinal  Archbishop Joachim Meisner in an interview he gave to the Stuttgarter Zeitung said that women should be encouraged to stay at home and bring three or four children into the world.

Did the cardinal archbishop really say this? If he did say this doesn't it say something about our church.

Even if it were a wise thing to say, the idea of a church leader saying it is really incredible. Do they employ PR firms to advise them?

Joachim Meisner was bishop in Berlin before moving to Cologne. He was bishop in the divided city and, as was the custom at the time, the Catholic Bishop of Berlin lived in Bebel Platz in East Berlin, the capital city of the GDR. As Catholic bishop he had a special tranist visa issued by the GDR authorities, which allowed him free access to the West.

1 comment:

Michael said...

What a complete ass!

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