Sunday, May 5, 2019

Georg Gänswein's 'barking'

It has been reported in the last few days in the Catholic press that Archbishop George Gänswein said at an ordination service in Austria that "Whoever wants to invent a new church and wants to alter the church's DNA is barking up the wrong tree and abusing his spiritual power."

The tone and language of the reported comment sounds harsh and brutal.

No doubt Georg Gänswein is well aware that Ecclesia semper reformanda est.

All right-wing understandings/interpretations are always acceptable, whereas the slightest liberal interpretation is instantly considered anathema.

The right-wing speak that we hear in our churches week-in-week-out is seldom if ever subject to criticism. But the first liberal word from a priest is subject to careful examination.

George Gänswein should read today's Gospel carefully and spot the word 'friend', a word spoken by Jesus.

There is nothing friendly-sounding about Georg Gänswein's comment.


Anonymous said...

Perhaps you may want to change "right-wing" to orthodox. Anything that traditionally has been part of our faith seems to be right-wing for the liberals. That's how the Church is composed of faithful people and heretics.

Michael Commane said...

And the anonymous silent people.

Francis Hunt said...

Oh, those nasty liberals!... That trope is getting soooo old ...

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