Sunday, November 18, 2018

John F Kennedy's disastrous Vietnam decision

On this date, November 18, 1961 President John F Kennedy sent 18,000 military advisers to South Vietnam.

A nice way of saying an invasion.

It was to prove a catastrophic disaster and cause the death of millions of people. And now more or less airbrushed.

'The Vietnam War' on Netflix should not be missed.


Andreas said...

Did you know that America has been at War 93% of the time – 222 out of 239 years – since 1776?

Or that the U.S. military receives more generous funding than the rest of the 10 largest militaries in the world combined (China, Saudi Arabia, Russia, U.K., France, Japan, India, Germany & South Korea)

U.S. Military Budgets 1948-2015
Obama FY2010-15 $663.4 billion per year
Bush Jr FY2002-09* $634.9 ” ” “
Clinton FY1994-2001 $418.0 ” ” “
Bush Sr FY1990-93 $513.4 ” ” “
Reagan FY1982-89 $565.0 ” ” “
Carter FY1978-81 $428.1 ” ” “
Ford FY1976-77 $406.7 ” ” “
Nixon FY1970-75 $441.7 ” ” “
Johnson FY1965-69 $527.3 ” ” “
Kennedy FY1962-64 $457.2 ” ” “
Eisenhower FY1954-61 $416.3 ” ” “
Truman FY1948-53 $375.7 ” ” “
*Excludes $80 billion supplemental added to FY2009 under Obama.

Michael Commane said...

Listening to Donald Trump one would get the impression that President Obama forgot about the military.
Interesting and thank you.

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