Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Dangerous Dublin

Anyone who has eyes to see will now realise that the road infrastructure in Dublin is at breaking point.

It can't be far away before there is a catastrophic disaster in Dublin city, the outer suburbs or the commuter belt.

Drivers of cars and lorries, cyclists, all road users are growing angrier and more aggressive.

Far too many cyclists are not keeping the rules of the road, are cycling aggressively and far too fast. When passing other cyclists they come far too close. Similarly with cars, drivers skim past cyclists.

Cycle lanes come under the heading, an Irish solution to an Irish problem.

The arrival of the cross city Luas has made cycling in Dublin far more dangerous.

The city is close to a serious major accident.

Dublin Bus drivers, Dublin Fire Brigade staff are aware that the city is on a knife-edge. 

What's being done about it?

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