Saturday, August 27, 2016

Starbucks versus Irish Rail

At Starbucks in Colbert Rail Station, Limerick yesterday at 19.45 a rail passenger asked for a glass of tap water. Not possible unless you pay for it.

At 22.00 on the same day at Heuston Station an Irish Rail personnel was waiting on the arrival of a train to find a coat which a passenger had left on the train.

They had phoned Heuston Station about the coat and Irish Rail had someone on the platform to search the train on arrival.

Starbucks is a large US corporation. Irsh Rail is a publicly owned Irish company.


Mark Burgess said...

Staff at Tralee Casement saved my watch. Taken off whilst washing and left behind on the Mallow-Tralee service. But retained for collection three days later. An object of sentimental value reunited with its grateful and relieved owner thanks to kindness & honesty. Irish rail seems to be a collection of individuals identifying with their customers.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure why you think that a glass of anything served in a commercial establishment should be anything other than a reasonable price: the glass customer has to be served, the glass has to be washed, the person will occupy a table for a few minutes while consuming it.

Free with an a food purchase would be reasonable enough. But without, no, that's just extracting the urine.

Michael Commane said...
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Michael Commane said...

Hasn't this anonymous comment all the hallmarks of anonymity?
Who ever said a glass was used? There was no glass to be washed. There was no sitting down. The person in question was looking for less than 150ml to be poured into a bottle, which was supplied.
And also that sneering that goes hand-in-hand with the profile of the anonymous person.
Check the anonymous comments on this blog with those which give full names. The difference is startling

Anonymous said...

Who said a glass was used? Why, you did:

"a rail passenger asked for a glass of tap water"

If all the passenger wanted was cold water put into a bottle they provided, then there was nothing to stop the passenger walking onto the toilets and filling the bottle from the cold tap. Same water. No staff time used. No paying customers delayed while staff member was serving non-customer.

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