Sunday, August 7, 2016

Dominican 'press releases' are not fit for purpose

Tomorrow the Dominican Order celebrates the feast of St Dominic. This year the feast day  receives more emphasis as this is the 800th anniversary of the founding of the Order.

At present the Order is meeting in Bologna at what is called a General Chapter.

The meeting began on July 15 and as to what is happening at the meeting there has been little or no information.

One 'press release' has been issued. It spoke of the time breakfast was served and at what time Morning Prayer was recited.

It was simply a laughable report.

And now this. The link below appears on the international website of the Dominican Order.

Is this really the best the Dominican Order can offer?

This material is simply shocking and embarrassing too.

It includes a short video. Is it meant to be funny, what exactly is it about?  

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