Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Irish Rail locomotives left to rot and rust at Inchicore

Anyone who is a regular rail user in and out of Heuston Station will notice a line of locomotives lying idle in Inchicore.

It seems the locos have been left to disintegrate, while some of them are being canablised. It seems there are more than 10 of these locomotives no longer in service.

The first of these locos went into service in 1994. Indeed, the first one arrived at Dublin Airport from Canada in a Russian built Anantov.

That this is happening these locos seems nothing less than a scandal.

Yesterday the Comptroller and Auditor General published his annual report on State spending.

Will the C&AG ever have anything to say on the waste at Irish Rail?

The locos are the 200 class series and are the locomotive class used to operate the Mark lV Dublin Cork trains and the Enterprise service.

Has there been anything in the media about it?

It would seem to be a matter of chronic waste? Mismanagement too?

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