Friday, November 1, 2013

Uproar about Revenue not a whimper about private sector

In recent days the Irish Revenue Authorities have mailed home owners regarding the payment of next year's Local Property Tax.

Indeed, the letter may well be conplicated and not at all as clearly written as it should or could be.

There has been wall-to-wall coverage of the letter and it has been a field day for talk radio with all the usual sob stories.

In these same days the privately owned communications company UPC has mailed or emailed its cutomers with bills. These bills are well nigh impossible to follow or understand and they also give misleading information. The infomration is so misleading it could easily lead the customer to believing something about the bill which is not the case.

Not a word, not a whimper from the public about this bill. And not a word from talk show hosts.

Why is that?

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