Saturday, November 23, 2013

Michael Harding reviews D'Arcy and Flannery books

"There is a notion in modern philosophy that nothing is absolutely true; things are true as far as they go, but it is in negotiating our way through the day that we become human. Catholic theology has no truck with such relativism. Catholic theology is mostly a medieval construct; it deals with 'absolute truth' as that which is substantial, immutable and eternally true."

That's a quotation from Michael Harding's review of Brian D'Arcy's 'Food for the Soul'. The review appears in today's Irish Times,  Weekend Review.

The review also considers Tony Falnnaery's 'A Question of Conscience'.

Harding finishes with this: "And yet in a strange way D'Arcy is also a subversive figure. Because his obedience, quietude and folksy gentility accentuate the fascist rot at the heart of the institution that would seek to crush him, and Tony Flannery, and all the other loolas of the world who commit the error of thinking for themselves."

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