Saturday, November 30, 2013

Pope Francis prefers a church bruised and dirty

"I prefer a church which is bruised, hurting and dirty because it has been out on the streets, rather than a church which is unhealthy from being confined and from clinging to its own security."

That's Pope Francis talking.

It's clear there are many regligious congregations where that sort of talk is not welcome or accepted.

And then the picture of him in today's Irish Times, wearing his 'Dominican attire' and showing off his trousers. Gosh, how that would not be accepted by the laces and candles brigade.

That man would have little chance of preferment in certain religious congreagations today. He'd be kept well away from the commissions, commissioners and the entire panoply of the ruling classes. And he'd certainly be seen as a bad influence on the younger members.

If he is successful what at all will the 'ruling classes' do?

Does Pope Francis know that the verb is 'to tweet' and the noun is  'twitter' Then again does he know the difference between the verb 'to practise' and the noun 'practice'?

On the other hand, the Vatican questionnaire confuses the verb and the noun. And it's a pity the questionnaire for Ireland and the UK did not use English spelling, instead of the US spelling it uses.

Would he seek advice from people who would subserviently agree with him or would he call in people who might tell him he is talking nonsense?

It's the little things that give them away. It always is in life.

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