Friday, November 22, 2013

Events of November 22

Three things.

On this date, November 22, 1909 my mother was born.

I'm writing this in the same room that I heard of the death of JFK 50 years ago today.

Today I fixed a bicycle puncture.


Stephan said...

Punctures, somethings never change. dont patch it, just swap that tube. Tess will play with the old one

Michael Commane said...

Under no circumstances. Bike up and running with repaired tube. What the world wastes must be one of the great sins of our generations. Tess has plenty with which to play.

Michael Commane said...

Many kilometres cycled on patched tube. And without any patch, a swim at Seapoint yesterday. Water four degrees Celsius. Greetings to you in New York. You are missed in Dublin office.

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