Sunday, July 17, 2022

Uber revelations underline value of whistleblowing

Niamh Brennan, who is the Michael McCormac Professor of Management at University College Dublin, has an article on the Uber story in The Irish Times today.

She reveals how an Irishman exposed his former employer’s dirty tricks.

The article stresses the importance of whistleblowing, and the valuable job that whistleblowers do.

We are fortunate in Ireland to have the Protective Disclosures Act of 2014.

All organisations, whether secular, military, voluntary or religious are subject to all the laws of the land, including the law on whistleblowing.

Brennan concludes her article: "The leaks also highlight driver exploitation, with little concern for driver safety. The leaks reveal how the company side-stepped paying its fair share of taxes, instead redirecting tax officials to collect taxes from its drivers.

"All its lobbying was ultimately unsuccessful. Uber did not win Uber-friendly regulation in Ireland. Our civil servants and politicians are to be commended for standing firm against Uber’s efforts.

It is interesting how the whistleblowing revealed how the company avoided paying its correct tax. It is also interesting how the revelations uncover the unorthodox relationship between Uber and its drivers.

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