Friday, November 10, 2023

Prisoner WIlli Kufalt’s impression of the prison chaplain

Hans Fallada in his 1934 novel

Once a Jailbird tells the story of Willi Kufalt, a prisoner and petty criminal.

Germany its in turmoil, six million people are unemployed but like all Fallada’s books, it is a story of our time.

About the prison chaplain prisoner Kufalt says: 

"The chaplain, there wasn’t much to be said about him. He was already over sixty, and had been in the jail for over forty years; the chilliest Pharisee on this chilly earth.”

The slogan ‘Never Again is Now’ was projected on the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin yesterday, marking the 85th anniversary of the Kristallnacht, the night the Nazis, their collaborators and supporters destroyed the premises of Jewish people across Germany.  Millions of Germans looked on.

That the Wall fell on the anniversary of this pogrom is one of the reasons that this date was not chosen as German unification date.

A number of German scholars are not happy with the use of the word Kristallnacht ‘Crystal Night’ to describe 48 hours of horror and evil. 

1 comment:

Thomas McCarthy said...

Thank you Michael for this morning's post. And how full of insight Fallada has been in different contexts.

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