Thursday, November 16, 2023

Absurd nonsense on RTÉ Radio yesterday morning

Yesterday morning Brendan Courtney on the Nine O’Clock Show was involved in an ‘animated' conversation with a listener on a particular perfume or deodorant that she and he use. It seemingly is popular in Spain and that’s where they both first came across it. It can be bought in large litre-style bottles.

Is that really the best RTÉ Radio can offer listeners?

Some months ago Brendan Courtney, on the same programme, explained how difficult it was to drink a cup of coffee while cycling. His dialogue was absurd and this happened some days after at least five people had been killed on our roads over a weekend.

How much is the tax payer giving RTÉ? How much is RTÉ paying Brendan Courtney?


Anonymous said...

Completely agree. Worse today!
Agree need to escape awful news but the alternative cd b more uplifting eg everyday heroism in life

Anonymous said...

I agree. It is verbal chewing gum - the jaws move but there's no nourishment of mind/soul. I tune out of the station the instant such space fillers pop up.

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