Monday, March 21, 2022

From defeat in Afghanistan to crimes in Ukraine

ON MARCH 21, 1980 the then US president, Jimmy Carter announced that the United States Olympic team would boycott the Olympic Games in Moscow that year. It was in protest to the Soviet Union at war in Afghanistan.

That war proved an unmitigated failure for the Soviet Union. There were myriad reasons for the Soviet defeat, but one reason often given is that by the time the Soviet Army gave permission for an operation to take place the Mujahideen had done the damage. The local Soviet commander on the ground had no real authority and everything had to be sanctioned by the political leaders in Moscow.

There are those who say that the failure of the war in Afghanistan was the beginning of the end of the Soviet Union.

History has shown the world how Mother Russia reacts to its being invaded and it has suffered badly at the hands of invaders. But that does not give it the right to invade an internationally recognised neighbouring State.

This blog had its highest ever number of readers in the Russian Federation yesterday.

The German defence minister, Christine Lambrecht attended the Alertus-Magnus-Gymnasium in Viernheim in the state of Hessen.

Among the weapons Germany is providing Ukraine with are 2,700 surface-to-air rockets manufactured in the Soviet Union. 

They were part of the arsenal of the former German Democratic Republic. It is said that until delivery to Ukraine the surface-to-air rockets were still in their delivery housing.

Germany is also supplying Ukraine with anti-tank systems and modern anti-aircraft missiles. 

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