Friday, September 3, 2021

Jimmy, The Provo and the Eye and Ear

I first met Jimmy Fitzsim0ns in the early 1990s when we were both living in Dublin’s north inner city. We became friends

Back then Jimmy was a strong supporter of the Provisional IRA. More accurately said, he was forever talking about them.

On one occasion I asked his mother, who had a stall on Moore Street, if Jimmy was in the IRA. 

She replied: “Jasus, the Eye and Ear wouldn’t take him.” We laughed.

Mrs Fitzsimons has since died. She was a lady.

On Wednesday I bumped into Jimmy on Dominick Street. We were chatting, our usual banter. He began to tell me what he was doing for the rest of the day and then said: “I have to get gear for the Provo.” I was confused and did not understand what he was saying so I asked him to explain.

Right behind him was a pug style dog. It was Jimmy’s

The dog's name, The Provo.

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