Saturday, June 5, 2021

Catholic Voice, blasphemy and Irish Dominicans

In issue 371 of the Catholic Voice John Lacken accuses the Irish Government of blasphemy.

In that same issue the Irish Dominicans place an ad for vocations to the order. 

Christopher Monckton of Brenchley writes an article on how Catholic friendly Trump was and refers to President Joe Biden as the ‘Butcher of Pennsylvania Avenue'.

Monckton was a member of  UKIP.

He is a climate change denier.

He claims that the Arctic was warmer in 1940 than it is now. Not true.  The actual data show high northern latitudes are warmer today than in 1940.

1 comment:

Michael said...

Michael, I wouldn’t get excited about it. Monckton is a joke - that Catholic voice entertain his ravings should how desperate they are. John Lacken is an earnest soul with a one track mind who holds that the demise of the Catholic church in Ireland is rooted in a failure to accept Humanae Vitae. The Dominicans must either be desperate for vocations if they are advertising here — given that they have never severed themselves from the rants of Alive, they are clearly well down the road to irrelevance. Michael

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