Saturday, April 17, 2021

Russia sends troops west during historic days

On this day, April 17, 1945 the Soviet Army made its final push on Berlin.

They attacked from the south and the east, encircling the city after successful battles at Halbe and on the Seelow Heights.

On Hitler's birthday, April 20 Georgi Zhukov's First Belorussian Front began to shell the city centre.

On April 23 Helmuth Weidling took charge of all German forces in Berlin.

On April 25 the Red Army joined up with the US Army at Torgau on the Rive Elbe.

The Red Army lost 100,000 troops in the Battle of Berlin. German casualties are unknown.

Is it a coincidence that Russia has in these days sent over 80,000 troops to Crimea and the Ukrainian border?

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