Thursday, April 15, 2021

A worrying error on new Dublnbikes app

Dublinbikes have launched a new app.

But there is at least one major fault with the app, which causes great worry and concern to Dublinbike users.

In the My Usage Statistic it gives details of one's usage. But the facts, figures and details are all incorrect. It shows the times and duration of your usage. These statistics are all incorrect.

Dublinbikes is aware of this error and continues to leave the app available. It should be corrected immediately.

A customer could easily think that their card has been cloned and that they are paying for a service they have not used.

Any attempt to phone Dublinbikes is a torturous experience.

A number of the new battery assisted bikes are now available at all stations.

It will be interesting to see will the new battery- operated bikes be successful.

The picture above shows one of the new battery assisted Dublinbikes.

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