Friday, February 12, 2021

Names can exert control and shape identity

There was  a sub-heading in The Irish Times yesterday which ran: Whether given by parents or imposed by colonisers or captors, names can exert control, shape identity and even obliterate history.

People of a certain age will remember the adage: Sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me.

It made no sense in the past and it makes no sense today.

On a somewhat related topic, retired journalist Vincent Browne one evening on one of his shows said: When we give titles to people we give them power over us.

Wise words.

1 comment:

Póló said...

My son was once flogging credit cards from a telecentre. It was around St. Patrick's Day and there was great emphasis on getting Irish Americans to take up the offer. He spent a long and frustrating time trying to get a lady with an Irish name to sign up. His last shot was along the lines of "How can a lady like you with an Irish name not be interested in this great offer?"

Her reply: "That's my slave name."


Worth meditating on.

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