Friday, February 26, 2021

German bishop calls for root and branch changes

Georg Bätzing, president of the German bishops' conference, who is the bishop of Limburg, said on German television last evening after a meeting of the bishops' conference, it was not enough for the German Catholic Church to say sorry in a press release, or to issue a statement or hold a conference but what was needed to restore trust was the day-in-day-out action to make changes in the church and to involve the laity.

Theologian Maria Mesrian, speaking for Reforminitiative - 2.0, said that the bishop's conference did not go far enough and went on to say that the church has to be far more open and transparent. She said what had happened in the Archdiocese of Cologne and the subsequent church investigation was proof for the need of  a more open and all-inclusive church.

Couldn't we all give chapter and verse how dysfunctional the church is, whether it be in Germany or Ireland.

Couldn't we all give examples of how matters could be so improved if the advice, faith and wisdom of lay people, women and men, were called upon.

The system, as it is, is shocking. And  Georg Bätzing is saying as much when he refers to the German Catholic Church.

Most likely it is worse in Ireland.

One example: it cannot make sense when dealing with HR issues among priests it is an all-male clerical group that makes recommendations and subsequent decisions.

It is absurd and many priests have seen such absurdity first-hand.

It is a most unhealthy system.

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