Monday, January 27, 2020

Great new easy-to-read real time bus signs

Congratulations to Transport For Ireland (TFI) on the new real time bus signage.

But what about all the money that was wasted with the first series? Anyone taken to task for the bad design?

These new signs are far easier to read and are not blocked by the bus shelter roof.


Fergus said...

Is there an app for the same information?

Michael Commane said...

Good question. The current Dublin Bus app continues as per usual but Go Ahead buses are not on that app. The TFI app has times but it seems not to be at all as clear as the Dublin Bus app.

Fergus said...

The moovit app in Rome is good. It pinpoints your location, you can crosscheck the code on the bus/tram stop, and offers you the range of buses and trams on the way. When there is a change in service, however, the pre-programmed timetable is given and if you're not careful you won't notice it's the pre-programmed times. There are no private bus routes within the city that I've noticed so it's simpler that way. Naturally, there are private bus services to the airports not included on the moovit pp.

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