Thursday, January 23, 2020

Fr Martin McCarthy OP - an obituary

Martin McCarthy died in Tallaght University Hospital on Tuesday evening.

At the time of his death Martin was assigned to St Mary's Priory, Tallaght, where he had been living since 2014.

Martin was born in Tralee, Co Kerry in August 1944. He attended the 'The Green', the famous Christian Brothers School in his home town and during that time he served as an altar boy at the Dominican Church, Holy Cross.

A number of young men, who were altar boys at Holy Cross in the second half of the last century, went on to join the Dominican Order.

Martin joined the Dominicans in 1963 and was ordained a priest in 1970.

Matin was widely known in the Order as 'Maxi', a nick-name that he had been given while at school in Tralee.

After ordination he did postgraduate studies in Rome before returning to Ireland to work in the Retreat House in Tallaght.

Among the priories where Martin ministered were Lisbon, Newbridge, Drogheda and Cork, where he worked as a hospital chaplain. He spent a number of years working as bursar at San Clemente in Rome.

In his pastoral work Martin had the ability to build up friendships with people, who attended our churches. He would always make himself available to chat with people as they left church.

He made it his business to help people who were on the margins and offered them advice and consolation too.

For many years Martin had at his side a dog to whom he gave great care and attention.While working as a dean in the Dominican boarding school in Newbridge, the students in an attempt at frustrating Martin, would tease his dog.

As a young man Martin was struck down with arthritis, which greatly impaired his work. He suffered  ill-health for many years but never allowed himself to be rolled over by the effects of his illnesses.

On a personal note and a somewhat funny story, in 1969 when I was a young student in Tallaght it was obligatory for us to wear black hats. I thought it was a silly custom and not in keeping with the dress style of the day. 

At the time Martin was senior student in Tallaght, which gave him a certain status in applying and monitoring house rules. He discovered I was not wearing the black hat and reported me to the student master, who was at the time Fr Anoninus Delaney, a kind and gentle person.

Some time later I sold the hat for £1 to a friend for a fancy dress party.

Approximately 40 years later when Martin was trying to assist someone in difficulty he was aware that I knew the  person. He contacted me to get me on board to help solve the  person's problems.

In recent years Martin experienced poor health. He received sterling care in St Mary's Priory in Tallaght from the carers' team and the prior, Fr Donal Roche.

May he rest in peace.

Martin's remains will be removed from St Mary's Priory, Tallaght to the church on Saturday at 5.30pm.

Requiem Mass is on Monday, January 27 at 11.30pm in St Mary's Priory church in Tallaght village. Burial afterwards in the priory cemetery.

1 comment:

Mark Bailey said...

If this is the same Fr. McCarthy who ran Newbridge College in Co.Kildare then I knew him when I went to school there 1969 to 1972. I found him to be a lovely fellow although I most often got to see him to be 'biffed'. I remember him fondly.

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