Thursday, July 4, 2019

Leo Varadkar and his priest comment

What Taoiseach Leo Varadkar said in Dáil Éireann on Wednesday about priests was objectionable.

That's the way of the world: the little person is always kicked and kicked hard by institutions and the so-called 'top-people' in organisations.

But Leo that's the way it happens in the institutional church too. Bishops, provincials can treat their priests in a similar manner and they do. And Leo if you want chapter and verse it can easily be supplied.

I recommend Leo you read Hans Fallada's 'Little Man What Now'. And I recommend it should be obligatory reading for many provincials and bishops.

Leo, your comment was awful but at least you spoke your mind. What about the provincials and bishops who play a game of silent terror. And that too is available, chapter and verse.

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